Sunday, April 22, 2012

My commitment to myself :)

     Okay, so I decided to start this whole thing off with a sort of... experiment. I know this is the only way that I will be able to actually follow this semi-RAW diet with some real motivation so here goes... I'm doing this for a few reasons - for one, I want to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. I also loveeeee to cook but I always feel like crap when I'm done eating. (Btw I have a SERIOUS sugar addiction). So I want to try to create recipes that still taste AMAZING but don't make me feel like passing out from a food coma right after I'm done. Here are the guidelines I'm going to try to follow:
1. No coffee (This is going to be a very hard one, I drink about 6 cups a day... I'm talking large... not those puny little 6 oz mugs, I'm talking Starbucks Venti people).
2. Mostly raw food, everything healthy, LOW SUGAR (I get headaches now if I go more than two hours without some sugar.... so.... beware... I might be pretty grouchy).
3. Try to juice every morning for breakfast. (It's not drinking the juice thats the problem, its washing all those veggies, big time killer, but I'm making a commitment!).
     Starting weight.... 121.00 lb. , 5'3"..... Just for an idea of how hard this is going to be for me.... My favorite people are Paula Deen and Pioneer Woman... so yea... here goes nothing....

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